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Produkt zum Begriff Computers:

  • Computers & Typesetting, Volume E: Computer Modern Typefaces
    Computers & Typesetting, Volume E: Computer Modern Typefaces

    The Complete Design of a Large Family of FontsNow, 35 years after the first edition, the leading worldwide experts on these systems have spent several months inspecting every page thoroughly. We now believe that every "i" has been properly dotted, every "t" has been properly crossed, and every bug has been properly exterminated.This volume contains precise definitions of about 500 letters, numerals, and other symbols, all described with METAFONT, Donald E. Knuth's revolutionary language for the design of typefaces.Readers will learn how to make their own personal variations of the fonts, simply by changing a few parameters. Special symbols that are needed for unusual applications can also be created by using the many examples in this book as a model. More ambitious readers will be able to extend this work to other character sets, such as phonetic or Cyrillic alphabets. A close study of the details captured in these METAFONT programs will reveal many previously unpublished tricks that type designers have learned during the past centuries.Computer Modern is a family of typefaces that includes 75 standard fonts, ranging from the sans-serif faces used to typeset the copy on this book jacket to the more formal alphabets and mathematical symbols used to typeset the text of the book itself. The 75 standard fonts can easily be extended to an essentially infinite number of further variations, because Computer Modern is a "meta-design" rather than a single design. In particular, this means that different point sizes of type can be drawn to different specifications, thereby obtaining better readability. Compatible typefaces can be generated for all sorts of printing equipment, ranging from low-resolution CRT displays to medium-resolution laser printers to high-resolution phototypesetters.Charles Bigelow's introduction explains the history of the "modern" style of the type design, which originated 200 years ago and is being brought up to date by the developments in this book.The type designs are accompanied by almost 750 illustrations, which are interesting in their own right as examples of mechanically constructed letterforms. Specimens of the 75 standard fonts appear near the close of this book, followed by several comprehensive indexes.Computer Modern Typefaces is the fifth in a five-volume series on Computers and Typesetting, all authored by Knuth. This series presents the results of nearly a decade of innovative research on the problems of preparing publications of high typographic quality.

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computers as Theatre
    Computers as Theatre

    Brenda Laurel's Computers as Theatre revolutionized the field of human-computer interaction, offering ideas that inspired generations of interface and interaction designers-and continue to inspire them. Laurel's insight was that effective interface design, like effective drama, must engage the user directly in an experience involving both thought and emotion. Her practical conclusion was that a user's enjoyment must be a paramount design consideration, and this demands a deep awareness of dramatic theory and technique, both ancient and modern.   Now, two decades later, Laurel has revised and revamped her influential work, reflecting back on enormous change and personal experience and forward toward emerging technologies and ideas that will transform human-computer interaction yet again. Beginning with a clear analysis of classical drama theory, Laurel explores new territory through the lens of dramatic structure and purpose. Computers as Theatre, Second Edition, is directed to a far wider audience, is written more simply and elegantly, is packed with new examples, and is replete with exciting and important new ideas.  This book Draws lessons from massively multiplayer online games and systems, social networks, and mobile devices with embedded sensors Integrates values-driven design as a key principle Integrates key ideas about virtual reality Covers new frontiers, including augmented reality, distributed and participatory sensing, interactive public installations and venues, and design for emergence Once more, Brenda Laurel will help you see the connection between humans and computers as you never have before-and help you build interfaces and interactions that are pleasurably, joyously right!

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • How Computers Work
    How Computers Work

    The Evolution of Technology   Having sold more than 2 million copies over its lifetime, How Computers Work is the definitive illustrated guide to the world of PCs and technology. In this new edition, you’ll find detailed information not just about PCs, but about how changes in technology have evolved the giant, expensive computer dinosaurs of last century into the smaller but more powerful smartphones, tablets, and wearable computing of today. Whether your interest is in business, gaming, digital photography, entertainment, communications, or security, you’ll learn how computing is evolving the way you live.   A full-color, illustrated adventure into the wonders of TECHNOLOOGY   This full-color, fully illustrated guide to the world of technology assumes nothing and explains everything. Only the accomplished and award-winning team of writer Ron White and artist Tim Downs has the unique ability to meld descriptive text with one-of-a-kind visuals to fully explain how the electronic gear we depend on every day is made possible. In addition to all the content you’ve come to expect from prior editions, this newly revised edition includes all-new coverage of topics such as:   •   How smartphones and tablet PCs put the power of a desktop computer in your hands–literally •   How computing technology is linking our homes, work place, entertainment, and daily communications •   How advances such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, eBay, and smartphones are expanding our universe of friends, knowledge, and opportunity •   How increased miniaturization leads to new products, such as smartphone, smartwatches, and Google Glass •   How computing technology takes advantages of quantum physics and innovations no one even imagined a few years ago   For two decades, How Computers Work has helped newbies understand new technology, while hackers and IT pros have treasured it for the depth of knowledge it contains. This is the perfect book about computing to capture your imagination, delight your eyes, and expand your mind, no matter what your technical level!   Beautifully detailed illustrations and jargon-free explanations walk you through the technology that is shaping our lives. See the hidden workings inside computers, smartphones, tablets, Google Glass, and the latest tech inventions.    

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computers Are Your Future Complete
    Computers Are Your Future Complete

    For introductory courses in computer concepts or computer literacy often including instruction in Microsoft Office.   Engages students with a refreshing and easy to learn from style, while maintaining an encyclopedic approach and popular magazine-style format. Today’s students want a practical “what it is” and “how it works” approach to computers and computing, with less explanation of “when and why.” Computers Are Your Future serves as a valuable computer technology reference tool without being overwhelming or intimidating. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie oft sollte man seine Software und Hardware aktualisieren, um die Sicherheit und Leistung seines Computers zu gewährleisten?

    Es wird empfohlen, Software und Hardware regelmäßig zu aktualisieren, um Sicherheitslücken zu schließen und die Leistung zu verbessern. Updates sollten mindestens einmal im Monat durchgeführt werden, um aktuelle Bedrohungen abzuwehren. Zusätzlich sollten größere Updates oder Upgrades mindestens einmal im Jahr durchgeführt werden, um die Funktionalität des Computers zu optimieren.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Hardware-Programmierung und Software-Programmierung?

    Hardware-Programmierung bezieht sich auf das Schreiben von Code, der direkt auf Hardware-Komponenten wie Mikrocontrollern oder FPGA-Chips ausgeführt wird. Dies erfordert ein tiefes Verständnis der Hardware-Architektur und der Register-Level-Programmierung. Software-Programmierung hingegen bezieht sich auf das Schreiben von Code, der auf einem Betriebssystem oder einer virtuellen Maschine ausgeführt wird. Hier liegt der Fokus auf der Entwicklung von Anwendungen und der Nutzung von vorhandenen Software-Bibliotheken und APIs.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Komponenten einer Computer-Hardware und wie beeinflussen sie die Leistung eines Computers?

    Die wichtigsten Komponenten einer Computer-Hardware sind der Prozessor, der Arbeitsspeicher und die Grafikkarte. Der Prozessor ist das Gehirn des Computers und bestimmt seine Geschwindigkeit, der Arbeitsspeicher beeinflusst die Multitasking-Fähigkeit und die Grafikkarte ist für die Darstellung von Grafiken verantwortlich. Eine gute Kombination dieser Komponenten kann die Leistung eines Computers erheblich verbessern.

  • "Was beinhaltet eine typische Befehlsliste für die Programmierung eines Computers?"

    Eine typische Befehlsliste für die Programmierung eines Computers enthält Anweisungen zur Ausführung von Operationen wie Addition, Subtraktion, Vergleichen und Speichern von Daten. Sie kann auch Schleifen und bedingte Anweisungen enthalten, um die Ausführung von Code zu steuern. Die Befehlsliste wird vom Compiler oder Interpreter des Computers in Maschinencode übersetzt, den der Prozessor ausführen kann.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Computers:

  • How Computers Really Work (Justice, Matthew)
    How Computers Really Work (Justice, Matthew)

    How Computers Really Work , From Amps to Apps: How Computers Work is an approachable, hands-on guide to understanding how computers work, from low-level circuits to modern software. From Amps to Apps: How Computers Work takes an informal approach to topics often reserved for textbooks. Each chapter covers one foundational aspect of computing. Exercises and hands-on activities throughout are designed to help you learn. Exercises mostly involve mental problem solving, while hands-on activities require you to actually try various aspects of computing: building a circuit, writing software, and so forth. You will learn about electrical circuits, learn how to read a circuit diagram, and build a working circuit. You'll learn how computer hardware like processors, memory, and input/output work and fit together; how low-level machine code runs on a processor; and how to examine the machine code of software running on a computer. You'll gain an understanding of the differences between programming languages like C and Python; examine operating systems; use tools to explore your local network and the Internet; and build a simple web page. The book's primary goal is to give you a broad understanding of how computers work and to offer a big-picture view of computing and the foundational information needed to dig deeper into topics that interest you. , > , Erscheinungsjahr: 202101, Produktform: Kartoniert, Autoren: Justice, Matthew, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 392, Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Information Technology, Keyword: Memory;assembler;Developer;technology;Computer engineering;Raspberry Pi;C programming;Python programming;Internet;operating system;RAM;computer memory;Binary;Circuit;CPU;coding;computer software;computer hardware;computer programming;computer architecture;computers;computer;code;algorithm;clean code;algorithms;tech;coding for beginners;computer books;programmer gifts;adruino;computer programmer gifts;programming;computer science;engineering;security;business;artificial intelligence;internet, Fachschema: Informationstechnologie~IT~Technologie / Informationstechnologie~Computer / PC-Hardware~EDV / Theorie / Allgemeines, Fachkategorie: Computerhardware~Computerprogrammierung und Softwareentwicklung, Imprint-Titels: No Starch Press, Warengruppe: HC/Informatik/EDV/Allgemeines/Lexika, Fachkategorie: Informationstechnik (IT), allgemeine Themen, Text Sprache: eng, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Random House LLC US, Verlag: Random House LLC US, Länge: 233, Breite: 175, Höhe: 27, Gewicht: 753, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0004, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 2428939

    Preis: 32.59 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computers & Typesetting, Volume A: The TeXbook
    Computers & Typesetting, Volume A: The TeXbook

    A Complete User's Guide to Computer Typesetting with TeXNow, 35 years after the first edition, the leading worldwide experts on these systems have spent several months inspecting every page thoroughly. We believe that every "i" has been properly dotted, every "t" has been properly crossed, and every bug has been properly exterminated.Here is the definitive guide to the use of TeX, written by the system's creator, Donald E. Knuth.TeX represents the state-of-the-art in computer typesetting. It is particularly valuable where the document, article, or book to be produced contains a lot of mathematics, and where the user is concerned about typographic quality. TeX software offers both writers and publishers the opportunity to produce technical text of all kinds, in an attractive form, with the speed and efficiency of a computer system.Novice and expert users alike will gain from The TeXbook the level of information they seek. Knuth warns newcomers away from more difficult areas, while he entices experienced users with new challenges. The novice need not learn much about TeX to prepare a simple manuscript with it. But for the preparation of more complex documents, The TeXbook contains all the detail required.Knuth's familiar wit, and illustrations specially drawn by Duane Bibby, add a light touch to an unusually readable software manual.The TeXbook is the first in a five-volume series on Computers and Typesetting, all authored by Knuth. The TeXbook is also available in softcover.

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont Book
    Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont Book

    A Complete User's Guide to Typeface Design with METAFONTNow, 35 years after the first edition, the leading worldwide experts on these systems have spent several months inspecting every page thoroughly. We now believe that every "i" has been properly dotted,  every "t" has been properly crossed, and every bug has been properly exterminated.METAFONT, created by author Donald E. Knuth, is a computer language that allows you to produce professional quality typefaces using mathematical type design. The METAFONTbook, a users guide and reference manual, enables readers with only minimal computer science or word processing experience to master the basic as well as the more advanced areas of METAFONT programming.Readers will learn how to write a program for each letter or symbol of a typeface. Using METAFONT, it is possible to customize a type design that already exists, or even to create an entire alphabet from scratch. It is particularly easy to create logos or special symbols. Advanced users will enjoy the freedom and artistry that METAFONT allows in creating original typefaces.HIGHLIGHTSIntroduces concepts informally early in the text; in later chapters, these concepts are filled in with more detailed explanations.Program exercises are found throughout the text with answers in an appendix.Exercises and concepts of greater difficulty are marked with margin symbols. In this way, both beginning and experienced users of METAFONT can benefit.The book is a companion text to Knuth's The TeXbook, since TeX can be used to typeset with fonts created using METAFONT. Knuth's familiar wit, and illustrations specially drawn by Duane Bibby, add a light touch to an unusually readable software manual.The METAFONTbook is the third in a five-volume series on Computers and Typesetting, all authored by Knuth.

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Computers & Typesetting, Volume B: TeX: The Program
    Computers & Typesetting, Volume B: TeX: The Program

    The Complete Source Code and Program Listing for TeXNow, 35 years after the first edition, the leading worldwide experts on these systems have spent several months inspecting every page thoroughly. We now believe that every "i" has been properly dotted, every "t" has been properly crossed, and every bug has been properly exterminated.Donald E. Knuth, creator of the exciting TeX computer typesetting system, has made available in this volume the fully documented program listing for TeX.Readers who are already familiar with TeX and with its user's guide, The TeXbook, will find much of interest in the source code. Other readers interested in software development and in Knuth's programming style will find this a fascinating and instructive case study. Never before has a computer program of this size been spelled out so clearly and completely. Knuth presents all the algorithms and explains every detail of the TeX program, utilizing the WEB system of structured documentation that he developed as part of his TeX research project.TeX: The Program is the second in a five-volume series on Computers and Typesetting, all authored by Knuth. This series presents the results of nearly a decade of innovative research on the problems of preparing publications of high quality.

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man die Leistung eines Computers durch Hochfahren optimieren, sowohl in Bezug auf Hardware als auch Software?

    Um die Leistung eines Computers beim Hochfahren zu optimieren, sollte man zunächst sicherstellen, dass die Hardware auf dem neuesten Stand ist, indem man beispielsweise eine schnelle SSD anstelle einer herkömmlichen Festplatte verwendet. Des Weiteren ist es wichtig, unnötige Programme und Dienste zu deaktivieren, die beim Start des Computers automatisch geladen werden, um die Boot-Zeit zu verkürzen. Zudem kann man durch regelmäßige Wartung und Bereinigung des Systems sowie die Verwendung von Optimierungssoftware die Leistung des Computers verbessern. Schließlich ist es ratsam, das Betriebssystem und die Treiber auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten, um die Stabilität und Geschwindigkeit des Hochfahrens zu gewährleisten.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Funktionen, die eine Antivirus-Software für die Sicherheit eines Computers erfüllen sollte?

    Eine Antivirus-Software sollte den Computer vor Viren, Malware und anderen schädlichen Programmen schützen. Sie sollte regelmäßige Updates durchführen, um neue Bedrohungen zu erkennen und zu blockieren. Außerdem sollte sie Echtzeitschutz bieten, um verdächtige Aktivitäten sofort zu erkennen und zu stoppen.

  • Welche Arten von Hardware-Updates können die Leistung und Geschwindigkeit meines Computers verbessern?

    Eine Erhöhung des Arbeitsspeichers kann die Leistung und Geschwindigkeit des Computers verbessern. Der Austausch der Festplatte durch eine SSD kann die Ladezeiten verkürzen. Ein Upgrade des Prozessors kann die Rechenleistung des Computers steigern.

  • Welche Hardware-Komponenten würden Sie empfehlen, um die Leistung meines Computers zu verbessern?

    Ich würde empfehlen, den Arbeitsspeicher aufzurüsten, um die Geschwindigkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit des Computers zu verbessern. Außerdem könnte eine SSD-Festplatte die Ladezeiten von Programmen und Dateien verkürzen. Eine leistungsstarke Grafikkarte könnte die Grafikleistung und die Fähigkeit des Computers verbessern, anspruchsvolle Spiele oder Anwendungen auszuführen.

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